

This category contains 6 posts

submachine 1: the basement

The first submachine ever made, the origin of the complex submachine series! I know that this game is really old, but I just can not put it in the blog.  

the fancy pants adventure

This game is better know as Fancy Pants, but who cares? The name is just a cover, the pants are really nice, but the strong point of this game is the beautiful artwork, the incredible gameplay, and…the story. Enjoy this gorgeous game by playing it!


Black and White, simple design, a very nice music, Shift is just simple but is just great to play it!

robot wants kitty

The kitty is just above you, but catch that little cat is harder than it looks.

demons took my daughter

Action, defense, and a lot of demons that only want little teddies. Those are the elements that make this game an incredible one, put your turrets, kill  the demons and rescue your daughter, just remember use the space-bar.


RPG, zombies, unbelievable graphics an such an amazing story. These are the elements that made this, in one of the best flash games ever. You probably play this game before, but play it again is just a pleasure!